Monday 2 June 2008

What a fool I am! I never should have done that, I'll never forgive myself . . .

'Until we are able to stop criticizing or castigating ourselves for our ignorance, our journey cannot move along freely.'

From "The Path of Transformation" by Shakti Gawain.

Are you self critical? Do you feel the need to castigate yourself because you've made mistakes in the past or maybe you think you're ignorant in some way? Would you be interested in finding ways and means to overcome the conditioning within you that is currently creating this blockage in your life? If your answer is 'YES', then why not investigate, with an OPEN mind, something new . . .

. . . Come with me and take a look at a method that reveals, and then dismantles, the psychological and emotional blocks that may well be holding you back and preventing you from living life to the full. Click on this link NOW and take a look at . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your strategy, Doug, very nice. Do it again!