Monday, 26 November 2007

From Barry Long

'I reflect to you the God-consciousness in your body.''When a man realises the master consciousness, he realises God. To realise God is to realise the power of the universe, the power behind it all. And then you have realised the Most High, although the realisation of God never ends. It goes on. But it is a consciousness, not an awareness. For awareness is of the senses, of the body. We're aware of the flowers. We're aware of each other. But that's not consciousness. Consciousness is the knowledge of something that is invisible and right and true. It is the same for woman. But she realises, becomes, the consciousness of love. She realises love - and that is God for her.

To realise God or the master consciousness there has to be an absence of self in you, an absence of selfishness. While you don't give and give and give and love and love and love, you can't realise God. And that's why giving and love are so important in my teaching. In giving we tend to hold back a little. But you can't hold back and realise God.

All I can do is reflect that state of consciousness to you. But you have to be able to receive it along with my words of truth which describe life, death, love and God. That's the master consciousness - originality. Not having to quote anyone. Not having to quote any tradition. Utter and complete originality, coming every moment from the being.'

'You are a light that is forever.

You are consciousness.

You are not just a person.

The person will trouble you.

The consciousness is what you know inside to be right and true.

That is the love inside you and the beauty inside you.'

By Barry Long.

Friday, 12 October 2007

A Dose of Reality.

Here is a quick dose of reality for you to consider . . .

What if what you are, as a human being, is superior to what you think you are? What if what you are is actually superior in every conceivable way to what your thinking mind thinks it is and as a consequence, the reality is that you are far superior to what you think you are? You see, I say that what you are is far superior to what you think you are, what if I'm right? Of course I could be wrong, but what if I'm right . . . what then? How are you going to find out?

What would happen to you now if your thinking mind went perfectly still, so still that you no longer had an opinion about who and what you are? I mean, if what you are is superior to what your thinking mind "thinks" you are, then it would have to go still before you could find out what you really are, before your reality would be revealed . . . wouldn't it? Otherwise you would remain lost in all your old attitudes, beliefs and opinions (thoughts) about yourself, and all those attitudes, beliefs and opinions are what you think you are, aren't they? Whether they are positive or negative thought patterns is unimportant, your thoughts are born of your past conditioning, the stuff of the past that continues to impose itself on you in this present moment.

Now come on, don't let the "thinker" in you get confused, stay with me here. If what you really are is a superior being to the entity that is always thinking inside your mind, how would you ever be able to discover, as an unquestionable fact, that superior state of being?

Well, let's face it, thinking isn't going to help you solve this one is it? You can't think your way through this one. In fact thinking could be the problem that is preventing you from being superior to what you are right now, couldn't it? The only way that you could be sure, for sure, is to bring the thinking mind to a point of perfect stillness, do you see this? Is it becoming clearer to you that there is only one way to discover a greater Integrity or reality than the thinking mind has to offer you and that is to, first and foremost, bring the thinking mind to a complete standstill?

Everyone on this blessed planet thinks, don't they? It is so normal for each of us to think that very few people ever question its validity [quite understandably], and if anyone does have the intelligence and courage to question the validity of the "thinking mind" they are very quickly shot down in flames by the thinking minds of all those people who are still controlled by their own thinking minds. The thinking mind rules the world!

The only way you will ever discover what you really are will be by bringing the thinking mind to a point of complete stillness and inner peace, which is also a state of clarity where you experience the simple joy of being. Then your innate intelligence will take over as the point of power and creativity in your life, all false conditioning will be obliterated from your psyche, and there will be no more psychological and emotional pain, misery, suffering or unhappiness in your life . . . your life will become problem free! How? We will be taking a close look at that in my next post, in the mean time . . .

Learning to meditate is the starting point for anyone who wants to enter a state of being which is a superior to the normal conditioned thinking mind. You can visit my store and find the very best books and tapes on the subject at

Monday, 1 October 2007

What Is The Problem With Life?

"Problematic thinking leads to problematic living."

What do I mean by that statement? How does problematic thinking lead to problematic living? What is the "problem" with life and living? Why do we, mankind, seem to live such a problematic existence and is it natural?

Do you have problems in your life, if not continuously, well, at least occasionally . . . from time to time? Are there periods in your life when everything seems to be a problem or turns into a problem and nothing seems to simply fall into place or flow smoothly? If so, don't despair, you are not alone. Everyone, apart from a small number of people who have discovered a great secret, lives problematically.

Problematic living is "the norm". It is normal for everyone to have problems and because it is so normal, most people "think" that it is also natural, but it is not . . . and, if you stay with me, I'm going to show why it's not . . .

You have to understand that just because something is normal it doesn't mean that it is also natural. They are not one and the same, are they? If we take an example such as the car, we can say that cars are a normal part of life, we are all aware of them, yes? They are normal but they are not natural because they are man made, man has taken parts of the earth and created the car from them, but without mans intervention the car would not be here. The tree on the other hand is both normal and natural because trees are here with or without us. The tree is innate and the car is not. We didn't create the tree, did we? Perhaps we can say the same concerning problematic living, worry and unhappiness. Maybe living problematically , although a normal part of living, isn't natural to our life? We had better find out just to be sure, don't you agree? Most people would love to discover how they could eradicate worry and problematic living from their lives . . . wouldn't you?

We have all been told "As a man thinks so is he" or words to that effect, and modern day psychologists tell us that "We become what we think about." So it follows that if those statements are correct then when we think problematically we are going to create problems in our lives . . . but is that the truth? And, if it is the truth, what makes it so? Today you are about to discover the answers to these questions and I will also point you in the direction of the solution. What you do about it after that is going to be your responsibility, although I will give you guidance if you so choose.

You can now see the relationship between my opening words regarding "problematic thinking leading to problematic living" and the words of other teachers, past and present. But where does that leave us, am I talking about positive thinking here? Am I saying that if you think positively all the time that you will only have positive outcomes in your life with no more problems being created, it's a possibility rather than a probability isn't it? And how do you stop the mind from thinking negatively? Have you ever tried to stop thinking when you're caught in a negative and problematic mind set? Have you ever been lost in a negative spiral of worry? If you have, then you'll know just how difficult it is to bring it to a conclusion. Worry takes complete possession of your mind doesn't it? And no matter how many books are written on the merits of positive thinking [and there are merits], there is no way on earth that the thinking mind can remain positive all the time. Anyone who tells you different is lacking in "Self-knowledge."

Why do I say that? Well, the fact is that positive and negative thinking are simply opposite polarities. They are like two ends of the same piece of rope aren't they? You can't have one end without the other, just like all the other polarities such as happiness and unhappiness or excitement and depression along with expectation and disappointment. They are inseparable, each polarity being attached to other, so that when you use one end of the rope you end up using the whole rope . . . and the name of the rope is "thinking".

Positive and negative "thinking." The key is in the word THINKING. I know it seems impossible but I'm about to propose something to your thinking mind which you, or it, will "think" is quite preposterous. Totally insane even . . . but stay with me now, consider this . . . what would happen if you did NOT think? What then? Have you ever heard of such a thing, it is totally unbelievable to "think" that one could enter a state of no thought, what a state of complete mental vegetation that would be . . . wouldn't it?

Well, maybe it is, and maybe it's NOT. Perhaps the still mind isn't in a state of mental vegetation, you don't know do you, you have not stilled your mind and found out, have you? I'm asking you if you've brought your thinking principle under total control so that you never experience aimless or problematic thinking? Are you the master of your mind or does it still take you over with fear, doubt, worry and unhappiness from time to time? And is it possible that when the thinking mind is perfectly still it enters a natural state of "Being" where all problems and unhappiness are removed from the psyche permanently, is that a possibility? In other words perhaps the state of being is already perfect. Maybe when the mind is perfectly still it discovers its own intelligence was always there hidden beneath all that problematic thinking, what about that as a possibility worth investigating?

In my experience when the thinking mind is perfectly still and at peace it enters a natural state of joy and clarity beyond compare. The realization is that the intelligence that "I" am is perfectly still and yet paradoxically, it is supremely fast, it moves much faster than thought. Intelligence is perfectly still and simultaneously moving so fast that it is INSTANT. And this state of Being is the "Solution" that eradicates all problematic living because;

"When the thinking mind is perfectly still . . . perfection unfolds."

When the thinking mind is perfectly still the natural solution simply unfolds out of your own natural state of being. The natural state of being is the natural solution to all the problems in your life, but not if you think otherwise . . . because what you think is what you get! Until you no longer need to think and then what you get is the natural state, which is free from all problems.

Are all forms of thinking a problem? Do all forms of thinking lead to problematic living? Good questions and they need to be addressed. The first point I have to make is that all discursive thinking needs to be brought to a conclusion. What is discursive thinking? It is aimless thinking, which means thinking for the sake of thinking with no real purpose to it and that includes nice, pleasant, happy thoughts along with painful, sad and unhappy thoughts. Discursive thought is thought with a will of its own. It is thought that chatters on, and on, on, on and on in the background . . . never leaving you in peace. That has to come to a full STOP. But you will not be able to do it through force. Force would simply be pointless because that would require you to do battle in the mind through effort and trying, but we are bringing an end to all that effort and trying. How are we going to do that?

We are going to overcome the thinking mind by expanding our "awareness" of it. I will write material on this site that will help you to become more and more "aware" of all the tricks that the "thinker" gets up to. You will follow up on what I write by putting it into practice in your daily life. Together we will work towards your "Freedom" from the "thinkers" hold on you. We will do it very gently and yet we will remain firm, through the power of unfolding self-awareness & self-knowledge we will gradually wear the thinker down. Eventually all that will remain within you will be what is real and true; what you really are underneath everything you presently "think" you are!

The thinker in you is normal, it is a normal aspect of your conditioning, but it is not natural, it is not who you really are. Yes, it is true that you probably "think" that what you think & have opinions and beliefs about is who you are . . . but I'm here to let you know that that's the lie! The lie of the thinker in you is that you are what you think you are! Yes, I know how hard this is to take in, I know first hand through direct experience just how difficult the truth of life is to grasp . . . but stay with me and in time the truth of life, your life will be revealed to you, within you and as you. Will you do that, will you stay with me and ask questions of me so that you leave no stone unturned in your quest to discover the truth of your life and life on earth? Or will you follow the sheep . . . and live a normal life never discovering your inner power and integrity? I'll leave it with you to decide . . . . .

Friday, 28 September 2007

What is the Truth of Life?

The truth regarding what aspect of life exactly? Are we looking at the truth of life on earth in its totality? Are we considering the truth of human life; why am I here, why am I alive? etc. or are we looking at what you "think" is the truth based on your particular view point, based on what you have been programmed to believe is the truth?

When people look at this subject they do so through a "filter" of psychological and emotional impressions that have accumulated in their psyche/mind since they were born to this planet. By the time each of us has reached adulthood we have already filled our heads with enough attitudes, beliefs and opinions, based on our experiences of life and living, to believe that what we, each of us, believes in must be the truth regardless of what others think. We do this because we have become "robotic", we are like walking, talking computers . . . garbage in, garbage out!

Everyone has been programmed by their experiences of living to believe in their own programme and so we live in a world where there is constant conflict because everyone is running different mental/emotional programs. Some differ slightly and some greatly. Some work together because they have very similar programs and others, being programs from the opposite polarity, are in disagreement. The greater the difference, and therefore distance between us, the greater the conflict.

The question I have to ask you is "Can you see the TRUTH in what you have just read?" Does any of this resonate within you as something that you need to take a closer look at and address in your life? Are you living in a robotic way, are all your attitudes, beliefs and opinions simply a form of mental and emotional programming of your mind that has lead you to be attached to what has been proffered to you as the truth? At this point it would be a good idea to go back to the beginning and just read this again so that you grasp the enormity of what you have just read and let it sink in . . .


In my experience what I have written here is the truth and the reason I can say that is because I have put in many years of self-observation and self-realization, which has lead to an expansion of consciousness and self-awareness. This process has dissolved the normal conditioned programming of my mind and replaced it with the original and natural state of Being. This state is the freshness and newness of present moment awareness, It is a state of pure and clear perception or intelligence that is free from all past conditioning.

So, in my experience, the Truth is that everyone on planet earth has been programmed to believe in, and have opinions about, something . . . anything and everything, and it is because of our programming that we live in a world of conflict where very few people actually know this Truth. Everyone is living through their programming and most have not realised that there is a greater Reality and Integrity hidden below the surface of themselves. Therefore everyone is living on the surface of themselves, very few know what is going on below the surface!

Below the surface, which equates to your programming (which is all your past conditioning) lies the Truth of who you are. It is your Reality and it is a Greater Integrity than the programme you are running through your mind everyday! That programme is the "lie", it is the impostor that creates unhappiness within the individual man and woman and it makes each of us live problematically. Everyone has periods of unhappiness and problems to overcome in this man made world, don't they? If not constantly than at least periodically, yes? Well, that is the lie! All problems on earth are created by mans conditioned programming. Remove the conditioning, remove the programming of the past and you enter a totally different state of being where there is no more unhappiness in your life . . . no more problems! That is the "Miracle" of the enlightened life . . .

Removing all problems from the world that man has created on the surface of this blessed earth would take a greater miracle. That would require all, or enough, men and women to be at a point of evolving consciousness where there was a shift in the consciousness of the planet . . . and that time has not yet arrived.
This article has a top rating on the Helium website Under the Religion & Spirituality Channel, click onto Self-help which will take you to Self-Awareness & Realization and then Reflections: The truth about life. Why not join us as a writer . . . see you there!

Thursday, 27 September 2007

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an Intelligent state of perception beyond the thinking mind.

When the thinking mind is perfectly still a new state of perception is realized where total "attention" to the present moment is experienced and this state of "present moment awareness" contains within it a great secret and power. A secret that the thinking mind is totally unaware of, but this state can only be experienced by the mind that has been stilled. This is because the thinking mind is not fully present, it is lost in thought, therefore the mind that has not realized "stillness" has no experience of it and is not qualified to make comment. That does not prevent it from doing so however, and that is how thought, belief and opinion are born; out of the ignorance of a mind that is not still.

The thinking mind does not know what it is like to be still, therefore all the thinking mind can do is have an opinion on the subject, which is of course . . . "thought." Opinion is an aspect of thought, it is one of the modes through which thought operates (belief & opinion are hardened layers of thought), and because 99.9% of the earths population have not "stilled" the thinking mind we live in a world of opinion and belief where the truth regarding the nature of "Stillness", and the "inner peace" of a mind that does not think, is not understood. The only solution is to "still" the thinking mind. Then and only then will you know what stillness leads to, because you will have the direct experience yourself, and no one will ever be able to take it away from you again. The secret of your own inner power will literally become you! Correct meditation is the tool that you can use to enter this "pristine" state of inner peace known as stillness, which reveals this point of power to you.

Meditation can also be seen as a series of stepping stones across the "stream of thought" within the mind. Correct meditation will take you by the hand and lead you across the stream of thought to the other side, whereas incorrect meditation will only lead you into confusion, and into a very wet experience! Incorrect meditation uses the thinking mind in an attempt to overcome that very same thinking mind, which is of course an impossible task. Why would the "thinker" want to defeat itself? The thinker in you is the one you have to become aware of and move beyond . . . into the stillness and inner peace that lies just beyond it. The fact is that "thought" can not bring "thought" to a point of stillness and there is a very good reason for this. Let's take a simple example. If you use a single word or phrase to focus your attention on what are you actually doing? You are thinking, yes? You are actually focused on one word or phrase to the exclusion of all others but you are still using the thinking mind in an attempt to still it . . .erm, do you see the problem here? It is like feeding the fire while you are fighting the flames. Thought feeds thought and stillness puts the flame of thought out! The point I am making here is that you will need to learn a form of meditation that is based upon you, your natural intelligence, turning in on itself as the observer of thought. And when I speak of thought I also include the emotions that are reactions born of thought. You literally have to "watch" yourself thinking continuously in order that you can take back control of your mind and therefore, as a consequence, your external life.

Some people when they learn incorrect forms of meditation end up having such a wet experience that they never attempt to cross the stream of the mind again! They end up saying that meditation doesn't work, that it is impossible to still the thinking mind. There are others who don't understand the benefits of meditation and see it as pointless. That's OK because such people are entitled to their opinion, no matter how blind that opinion or belief may be. The simple fact is that they are not yet ready to make a "jump in the level of being", out of thought, and into the perfection of the still mind. Only the individual who is willing to "still" the thinking mind (and in the process dissipate all belief & opinion) can have the direct experience of a greater reality or truth than the thinking mind. When stillness and inner peace are realized as your natural state of being you will experience this jump in the level of being, one that is free of what I would describe as all normal forms of negativity and unhappy conditioning.
Why would anyone want to still the thinking mind?

Stillness is a state of "Inner Peace" and inner peace is the end of worry. So, right from the start, we have one good reason . . . a life of freedom from worry. What is worry? Worry is the mind thinking problematically, with a will of its own, without pause. Have you ever spent time in self-observation? By that I mean have you ever spent time observing the way your mind works and watched it in action? The action of the mind is thought. That is the first step across the stream of the thinking mind; Begin with "Self-Observation." Watch yourself thinking and getting emotional and observe your thoughts and emotions as they rise and fall. And do this without judging those thoughts and emotions as being good or bad, right or wrong or even likable or dis-likable.

You will need to spend considerable time observing the way your mind operates and the way thought and emotion are connected. I don't know if you have ever noticed but if you are unhappy it is because your mind is thinking about something and you then begin to become emotional about it.

Meditation, when practiced with true dedication, will remove unhappiness from your life. It is not possible to be unhappy when the mind is perfectly still. Why? Because for the thinking mind to be perfectly still all ignorance and false conditioning have to be dissolved, dissipated and removed from your being. Then you are in a state of total "peace of mind."
But that's not all. When you still your mind you'll also experience what true "joy" is. Some people call it "bliss" and others "love" but the label is not important. What is important is the direct experience of this state of being. Peace, joy, bliss and love are words that describe a state of BEING, they are not emotions, they are what remain when all normal conditioned emotions have been removed from your total system. (The most appropriate name for your total system is the general verb "Being.")

Would you like to experience a life that is free of all psychological and emotional unhappiness, is that possible? Yes it is possible and not only will you be free from pain, misery, suffering and unhappiness, which is the normal human condition but your life will also change externally. Seemingly from nowhere changes will begin to unfold in your life. The external circumstances of living will begin to improve or change for the better. Why and how does this happen? It happens because at your very center, the center of your being, there is the perfection of the original state. And the original state, being perfect, is attempting to "unfold" as your life . . . the life that you are. This perfect state of being, which is at your center, is perfectly still. It does not move, it doesn't go anywhere or do anything, it does not even think . . . it just is! But in its "isness" there is total perfection. No problems, no unhappiness, no mental or emotional misery and no struggle or trying to be something it's not.

This perfect state may be "thought of" as a blank canvass by the minds of the unenlightened, and there is nothing wrong with that, other than the fact that this "blank canvass" is your own state of pure and clear Intelligence. What the enlightened have realized is that this state of pure and clear intelligence is the real "i" in the word real"i"zation. In other words it is what "I" really am when all past conditioning has been removed from my sub-conscious mind.
This blank canvass, which is your Intelligence free from the willful interference of your problematic thinking, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and the conditioning of the personality, is perfection.

Some people call this state heaven, paradise or a garden of Eden but whatever label you give it, there is one fact that every man or woman who fully investigates this subject discovers; "the center is already perfect." It is the natural state of perfect stillness and inner peace at the center of each of us and it is filled with a natural "Joy" that has no opposite polarity, no sorrow, contained within it.

The direct experience of your center, which is the "realization" of who and what you "really" are, automatically and naturally dissolves, dissipates and removes all your conditioned negativity, aimless and problematic thinking (worry) and emotional unhappiness.
The realization of the perfect state brings that very perfection with it into existence; through you, through your life . . . as your life. Not at some future date, not when you experience physical death but now, while you are alive. The time to begin the process of bringing the perfection of paradise to earth is . . . Now. Let us begin!

Saturday, 15 September 2007

What is going on Inside You . . .

What is going on inside you, who are you really, is there anything to discover beyond your physical existence?

Let's take a look at the Metaphysical: Meta is a word meaning beyond. What is there to discover beyond the physical? There is so much there, beyond the physical body (within the depths of the mind) and not all of it is desirable. In fact there is a layer of ignorance within the mind which is completely undesirable.

From birth right through to this very moment you have been accumulating a subconscious past. This past is what you call yourself, your personality, the person you think of as you. This subconscious layering of past conditioning consists of all your aimless and problematic thinking, your attitudes, beliefs and opinions along with everything that you've become attached to in existence since you were born to this world. It also consists of all your psychological and emotional pain, misery, suffering and unhappiness. It is all there, within you, hidden in your mind and it thinks that IT is You! But is it?

Beneath the thin layer of mind known as the subconscious lies the unconscious. But what do you know of the unconscious, this vast and infinitely deep realm of your Psyche? Most people know very little of it because most of them are caught up in the subconscious . . . and I have to ask, are you any different?

Your reality, or what you really are, is hidden within the unconscious mind. The secret is to find a way to Transcend, Divine Through and Move Beyond the layer of ignorance, which you call yourself, the personality. In so doing you will re-connect with a greater Reality/Integrity than the self/personality.

How can you move beyond the conditioned mind and into the depths of the unconditioned mind? There is only one "Pure" way to do this, to move beyond the surface of yourself, and that requires you to become an observer of your "self" (self being everything you think you are . . but are not!). You have to separate your intelligent state of "Awareness" from your conditioned thinking mind and the only way to do this is by becoming "The Intelligent Observer" of yourself. You have to partake in a great "experiment". You have to take on the role of a scientist and become the observer of yourself. You must sit in self-observation, walk in self-observation and "be" in self-observation 24/7. You have to become the silent witness of all that is happening within your own psyche/mind. There is no other way . . . and sooner or later this is what you must do, if you are to become enlightened, liberated and free from discursive thinking and emotional unhappiness, if you are to move beyond the physical and beyond the conditioned mind.

Most people do not move beyond the conditioned mind. Even those who are involved in prayer and visualization are working within the conditioned thinking of the subconcsious mind. They are calling up the past and inflicting it on the present, and in so doing they are NOT living in a state of present moment awareness. How could they when they are lost in the subconscious conditioned mind (the past in you), and are therefore not living in the freshness and newness of the Unconscious mind, which is the state of intelligent perception.

"I", the still mind and a body in existence; that is the integrated state of being, the enlightened state. The conditioned, subconscious mind, sits "BANG" in-between the the body and "I". "I" am the intelligence that is reading these words now. That is what "I" am, but there is another I getting in the way. The I of the personality, which thinks it is you (or I), but it is not you, not the being you really are, it is an impostor! The "Truth" of this will become clear and real in your experience as you become an observer of the impostor, as you observe it wilfully making you think aimlessly and problematically even when you cry out for it to STOP! But it will not because it has become your master, it controls you and so the divine "I", the intelligence you really are, remains lost underneath this great impostor.

Which are you, are you the thoughts and feelings you observe within your mind or are you the intelligence that is observing those thoughts? Do you "think" that you are both? That's a nice trick, one of many that the thinker in you will perform in an attempt to make you fail in your attempt to break free from its strangle hold on you, but you must not fall for it. You are the observer of your thoughts, feelings and actions, you are the intelligence behind it all, and your task is to see this for yourself with great clarity of perception. The only way to reach a point where you can break free from the conditioned mind, and therefore experience enlightenment, is to be persistent in your self-observation. You must return to your laboratory every day and sit in meditation/self-observation, and then you must take your new found inner peace and stillness into the world with you and remain an observer, day in and day out until . . . you break free of the subconscious mind and enter the pristine clarity of the unconscious.

Beyond the physical there are deeper and ever deeper levels of mind and being. Beyond the conditioned subconscious mind there is the unconditioned reality of the unconscious mind where the Truth of life on earth can be realized. This is where the truth regarding such words as immortal, eternal, spiritual and enlightenment is realised and it is the end of ignorance. It is death to all that is false within you and it is a re-birth of the divine reality and Integrity of your perfect state of BEING.