Thursday, 18 December 2008

How Come?

I have A Question for you:

"Loving people live in a loving world.
Hostile people live in a hostile world.
Same world.
How come?"

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Here is the answer:

"Life has a bright side and a dark side,
For the world of relativity is composed of light and shadows.

If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil,
You yourself will become ugly.

Look only for the good in everything,
That you absorb the quality of beauty."
Paramahansa Yogananda

"Loving people live in a loving world.
Hostile people live in a hostile world.
Everyone you meet is your mirror."
Ken Keyes JR
Handbook to Higher Consciousness

"Acknowledge the good wherever you see it.
For what you acknowledge you get . . .
and you bring it into existence more."

Barry Long

"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.

Speak or act with a 'pure' mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow,
The Dhammapada

To Summarise:

"When you acknowledge love in your life you bring love more into existence.

When you feel aggressive and hostile you are acknowledging aggression and hostility . . .

You therefore bring that aggression and hostility into existence with you.

You are what you think you are. You are also what you feel you are.

All that you are arises with your thoughts and emotions.

The world you live in, be it hostile or loving, is simply a reflection of what you are thinking and feeling. The people you encounter in your life, and the circumstances you experience in your life, are simply a mirror of what you think and feel about life.

Only when you speak or act with a
'pure' mind , which is a peaceful and tranquil mind that acknowledges the good wherever it sees it, will you experience a loving world."

To finish off I would just like to share this little story with you . . .

Long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known as
the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of
this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced
happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house.

He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his
tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found
himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails
wagging just as fast as his.

He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles
just as warm and friendly. As he left the house, he thought to
himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as
happy as the first one, decided to visit the house.

He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked
into the door.

When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him,
he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs
growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a
horrible place, and I will never go back there again."

All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do
you see in the faces of the people you meet?

Doug McMillan
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, 8 December 2008

Smile, Life is Good!

If life is getting you down and you are finding it difficult to find a good reason to smile then you need to watch this video. Why? Because life is good . . unless you choose to acknowledge that it isn't good and you therefore choose to be unhappy . . either way you choose. Don't kid yourself that you don't choose to be happy or unhappy. You can't take responsibility for feeling happy when things are going well in your life and then fail to take responsibility for the bad times in your life . . . . the whole can of worms is your responsibility! Get real!!

Get real? Yes, get real . . which means you need to reconnect with a greater reality, truth and integrity than your petty, sorry, unhappy little personality that 'chooses' to be happy one moment and unhappy the next . . and thinks it has the right to inflict its sorry little life on those around it! Basically it needs to wake up, grow up and mature beyond its ignorance . . . .

. . . why the hell would anyone want to keep the company of a negative individual who is controlled by their moaning and whining personality?

This is a 'self-knowledge' blog. The whole point of Self-knowledge is for you, dear reader, to become aware of all your false conditioning. And where does all your false conditioning hide? Within your personality. It hides there as a bundle of unhappy conditioned ignorance. Your task is to become aware of all that is false within you and then separate from it. Psychological and emotional pain, misery, suffering and unhappiness are all aspects of a defective personality. Sooner or later you are going to have to learn how to go through the process of separating out the false (defective personality) from the real and true (Character/Being) within yourself. It is what life is all about . . .

. . . what has that got to do with this video? Do us both a favor, watch it and let me know!!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Part Two: The Normal Condition of Living in the World.

There are two aspects to the normal condition of living in the world.

First we have the external condition of the planet, the world that man has created for himself and built on the surface of the earth. The earth and the world are not one and the same. I would put it this way. The earth came first and man has since built his world on the surface of the earth. Man has created a superstructure of cities and networks for transportation and communication purposes. We call this world our civilization, it is the basis for our social structure, and it includes the worlds of politics, commerce, science and organized religion etc.

When the earth was first “born” it was free from mans world, but since man arrived on the scene things have changed. The world that man has built on the surface of the earth is slowly suffocating the planet, but please note, if man were no longer on the planet then the earth would return to its original state.

This is how I perceive it.

“The natural state of the earth has been conditioned by mans world.”

“The Normal Condition of Living in the World” is the cause of all problems on earth. If you could remove the condition from the earth there would be no more problems and the earth would be free. In order that the earth can be free from all problems you have to take the first step by removing problematic living from your own life. This book will show you the way to do that.

Now let us take a look at the second aspect of the normal condition of living in the world. There is a well known saying that is most apt here, “As within so without.”

The reason that man has created a world of conditioning on the surface of the earth is because he has a world of conditioning within himself.

By within himself I mean within his mind/psyche. Put more accurately I mean within your mind/psyche.

Your mind has become conditioned. Its present condition is problematic, it thinks problematically. It perceives events and circumstances as difficulties to be overcome through effort and trying, and the result for you is a life of worries, problems and unhappiness, which you attempt to overcome through personal effort and trying.

I’m not suggesting that you are worried all the time or that you see every event in your life as a problem. Nor am I suggesting that you are unhappy all the time. I am pointing out that the normal condition that you are experiencing on a day to day, week to week or month to month basis is one which swings from periods where you are worried to periods where you are free from worry. There are times in your life when you see every event and circumstance in your life as being problematic and there are other times when you are at peace with yourself and therefore you feel in control and better able to manage your life adequately. The fact is that there are times in your life when you are desperately unhappy with your circumstances and times when you feel blissfully happy. Sometimes things are on the up and at other times they are down . . . why is this? It is because you have been conditioned to live your life in this way and it is totally unnatural.

My task now is to make you aware of this conditioning, and show you how it creates unhappiness within your mind before then manifesting as unhappiness and problematic living here in your external life.

The normal condition within the mind consists of the following:

1. The Aimless, willful and problematic thinking that runs incessantly through your mind and the minds of everyone else around you.

2. The attitudes, beliefs and opinions you have acquired since birth.

3. Interpreting, Judging, Analyzing and labeling everything you perceive through the senses.

4. Attachment to concepts, notions, ideas and ideals of the mind.

5. Attachment to people, to places, objects and physical things in the world.

6. Psychological and emotional pain, misery and unhappiness or suffering.

In my next Post I will give you some typical examples of your conditioning beginning with thinking and I'll introduce you to a basic exercise in self-awareness. I'll do this only because it will help you to be more “present” as you read through this material and it will automatically expand an awareness of your body and senses here in existence . . bringing your attention into the eternal Now moment.

"The past is dead,
The future is imaginary,

Happiness can only be
in the Eternal Now Moment."

Ken Keyes, JR Handbook to Higher Consciousness
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Friday, 10 October 2008

The Golden Thread of Truth

There is a Golden Thread of Truth that is central to all life but very few people of the earth have had the direct experience of this truth. Consequently we live in a man made world full of problems and suffering where the nearest most people get to the truth of what life is all about is by believing or not believing in some distant God that may or may not be real. The alternative appears to be to have faith in science and accept that there is nothing beyond your physical existence. This series of posts will take you step by step through the maze of your psyche and reveal to you the truth of life on earth. Your only responsibility is to have enough faith in your own life to participate fully, so fasten your seat belts because you are about to find out the answer to that age old question . . .

The truth is that everyone on the planet is conditioned. This condition in turn creates “dis-ease.” You, the reader of these words right now, are suffering from a condition and as a result you are not at ease. Now obviously I’m not speaking of a physical disease here, I’m talking about a psychological and emotional disorder that effects everyone on the planet.

Your CONDITION is so NORMAL that you wouldn’t think that it was a problem. It is “the normal condition of living in the world” and everyone on the planet, apart from a few enlightened individuals, is controlled by this condition including those who think this doesn’t apply to them!

This condition is insidious, being both subtle and treacherous in its activities, to such an extent that the great majority of the people on planet earth are totally unaware of its existence and therefore it appears to be both normal and natural.

It is a fact that this conditioning process is something we all go through and have the experience of. We can identify it in our own experience, as you will soon discover. It is normal and it was meant to happen to each of us, but there are several important questions we have to receive answers to before we can continue our exploration of the truth of life on earth:

·       What exactly is this condition that makes each of us ill at ease?

·       How did we become conditioned?

·       Is there any purpose to the existence of our conditioning and if so what?

·       Can we do anything to remove it if we choose to?


Let’s begin with our first question by asking "just what is a condition and how does it create this dis-ease within each of us?" A condition is something that is added to you. Anything that is added to you may be perceived to be normal, and you might even “think” it is natural, take unhappiness and problematic living as examples. Most people would consider unhappiness and having problems to solve as being quite natural in the great scheme of things. I will endeavor to show you why, although it is quite normal, it is not natural.

At this juncture I would just like to point out that in my experience the natural state of life on earth, and therefore your own life, is what is left behind when you remove the normal condition and unhappiness coupled to problematic living are aspects of that condition.

In following postings I will demonstrate all of your conditioning to you. You will be able to identify it in your own experience, proving that this is not theory or belief, it is demonstrably and inescapably real. In other words, after you read these posts, you will not be able to pretend that this is not real and deceive yourself that you are not conditioned.

Right now your task is to become aware of the normal conditioning that resides within yourself, which consists of unhappiness and problematic living, and through expanding your awareness of its presence, begin the process of removing it, thus returning to the natural state. The natural state you are returning to equates to freedom from unhappiness and problematic living: liberation.

Before you can remove your normal, but false conditioning, you must first be able to identify it in your own experience.  I am going to reveal to you, in detail, exactly what this condition consists of and also what “the natural state of life on earth” is. Then I’ll show you how you can work your way back through your conditioning and return to YOUR natural state. I’m going to do all of this within you as you work your way through this manual. In other words the truth will be revealed within you and as your own direct experience. This will take some time, it could be weeks, months or years depending on your individual life experience and your present point of self-realization.

You may need to go over this material many times before the full impact of what I’m saying breaks through the layers of conditioning within YOUR psyche/mind. The second time you read this material you will be amazed at just how much more you take in as you begin to get used to its particular language and the truth within you starts to resonate with what you are reading.

I will also guide you in the direction of other teachers whose work will continue what you’ve started here, confirming that you are heading in the correct direction, and continually expanding your self-knowledge along the way.

Please note that this is a D.I.Y. course. You have to do the work yourself. My task is to guide you along the way.


In my next post we will explore . . . . .

"The Normal Condition of Living in the World" . .

 . . . and remember:

"We are what we think
All that we are
  arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.

Speak or act with a pure mind
  and happiness will follow you
     as your shadow,

The Dhammapada
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, 3 October 2008

Emotional Freedom Techniques . . How Good Are They?

"I would say without hesitation that EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is the single most useful thing I have learned in my life - EVER!"

Shahzadi Thomas

To discover just what EFT can do for you visit this LINK . . Now!

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Thursday, 2 October 2008

Want to know a great secret?

"There is a great secret that beings throughout time have announced, the secret of an extraordinary treasure, the treasure of the nectar of eternal life. It is the nectar of pure beingness, recognizing itself as consciousness and overflowing in the love of that recognition.

If you imagine yourself to be located in a body, then you will move that body from place to place, searching for this treasure of nectar. But, if you will stop all searching right now and tell the truth to yourself, you will know what is known in the core of your bones. You will know what these great beings knew and attempted to describe. You will know it with no image of it, no concept of it, no thought of it. You will know it as that which has eternally been here. And you will know it as yourself."

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Friday, 19 September 2008

The Horns of the Devil!

‘Intelligence is corrupted by likes and dislikes. The result is the problematical human condition.’

                                                                                                        Barry Long.

'The conditioned mind is controlled by what it likes and what it does not like, what it believes in and does not believe in . . what it considers to be good and what it considers to be bad.

In other words it is governed by ‘polarities’, or opposites (opposite positions).

Right and wrong are opposite positions taken by the conditioned mind as are good and bad and what you attach yourself to as your likes and dislikes.

These conditioned polarities stick out of your consciousness like the horns of the devil. Like two mountain peaks of personal ignorance that control your life until such time as you do something about it.

What do you have to do? You have to become aware of all your conditioned ignorance and in the process of becoming aware or conscious of it, so it will dissipate, dissolve and leave you.'

                                                                                                               Doug McMillan.

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Monday, 15 September 2008

The Natural State.

‘Wisdom or truth is the original and natural state of intelligence.’

                                                                                                   Barry Long.

'The pristine state of being, the original state, is one of pure intelligence.
Pure intelligence is the intelligence of consciousness.
It is a state  that is ‘free’ of all conditioned suffering or unhappiness.
This state is centered in stillness or inner peace.
Wisdom or truth, naturally unfolds out of this intelligent state of consciousness, stillness and inner peace.
What prevents wisdom and truth from naturally unfolding out of the intelligent state of consciousness? It is the conditioned mind that creates a blockage in the system and prevents the natural flow of consciousness/intelligence.
How can you identify the conditioned mind, what is it? It is an accumulation of all your likes and dislikes, imagined rights and wrongs and what you think of as good or bad.'

                                                                                                       Doug McMillan.

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Sunday, 14 September 2008


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

C.G. Jung

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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Eight . . How to Still the Mind.

The Over Active Mind.

I was recently asked about meditation and how it can be used to help an overactive mind. My reply was that all minds are overactive unless they are ‘stilled.’ I hope that together, you and I, will be able to look at this subject and discover the ‘truth’ with regard to an overactive mind, and discover the way that meditation can bring the mind peace and stillness. First of all let us look at a few facts regarding meditation:

  • The aim of correct meditation is not simply to still the mind.
  • Stillness naturally unfolds as you becomes practiced in the art of true meditation.
  • Meditation is a method, a process, that expands consciousness/self-awareness.
  • Meditation is not something that requires effort, which means that there is nothing you have to try to achieve.

The aim of meditation, if there is such a thing, is to expand your self-awareness/consciousness but it requires no effort, just dedication. That may sound like a contradiction, but it isn’t, let me explain.

In the process of learning to meditate, especially in the early stages, you become aware of all the activity that is taking place within your mind and psyche. This is an ongoing process that many teachers call self-realization, which is a process whereby you discover and realize the truth about your “self.”

The self-realization process begins with self-observation. That is you observing your ‘self.’ Your self consists of all your thoughts, emotions and actions/behavior. If you are to realize the truth of yourself then you’re going to have to do plenty of self-observation and in the beginning you may well find this difficult.

To begin with your aim is to become aware of all the discursive thinking that is taking place within your own mind. Initially it can be quite a shock to discover just how much aimless and problematic thinking is taking place within your mind. Yes, within your mind dear reader, I'm discussing what is going on within your own psyche, this applies to you, especially if you think it doesn't. Only the individual who sits in self-observation will become aware of just what is happening within their mind and psyche, everyone else lives in total ignorance of the subject, that's just the way it is!

The more time you spend in self-observation (observation of your thinking/emotional habits) the more aware you become of all the discursive thinking and emotive reacting that is taking place. It is at this stage that many people give up, even before they have begun, because they are unable to cope with what appears to be an overload of mental activity. Remember, the aim at this stage is simply to become aware of all the discursive, aimless and problematic thinking, including emotional reactivity, that is taking place within your mind/psyche. Your task is to simply observe and be aware of it. There is nothing more to be done. There is no battle to get involved in. Just observe the thoughts and emotions taking place within your field of experience, which means within your mind and psyche.

This is an important point: Do not react emotionally to what you are observing, remain a detached observer, like a teacher watching school children running around the playground while they make an awful noise . . simply observe your mental activity without the need to judge what you are witnessing. There are no right or wrong thoughts and emotions, there’s nothing to judge as good or bad, simply see it all taking place within your mind. Be the detached witness or observer of all your discursive thoughts and emotions. In this way your meditation, as self-observation, should be effortless, but you will need to be dedicated to going through the self-realization process. Without a dedicated approach to meditation and self-knowledge you will fail like countless others have done before you.

‘Meditation is the seeing of what is and going beyond it.’
J. Krishnamurti.

If Meditation really is the seeing of what is and going beyond it then what you have to see with great clarity of perception is all the discursive thought and emotion that is taking place within your mind and psyche. Only in the seeing of it can you take the next step by discovering what lies just beyond it.

You have to discover, see what is, taking place within the thinking mind with perfect clarity of perception before you can go beyond it into another level of being or perception.

You can’t jump levels of being or perception, they have to be experienced one at a time, in sequential order. So first you have to see, then you can go beyond. So, begin with meditation in the form of self-observation, and remember, no one can do it for you. In the end you are the One, there is no other . . although you are not alone, there are those who have gone before you . . . and they are here to guide you home.

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Sunday, 7 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Seven . . begin with Meditation.

Q. Why begin with Meditation?

Meditation to Realization.

Meditation awakens Intelligence. Not the intelligence of the so called intellectual, which is really only a form of cleverness, but the intelligence of being.

After the awakening of intelligence, through continues practice of meditation, your intelligence begins to speed up. It becomes swifter. At this stage you will begin to have realizations and the more you practice meditation the more realizations you will have as your intelligence becomes swifter and swifter. Eventually, or in time, this leads to the realization of the highest Truths available to each of us. What you realize will amaze you . . and I'll be discussing some landmark realizations in the future on this site.

Now, because everyone is equal in the integrated state of being, Truth is available to each of us. However, all are not equal are they? Some do not Meditate and never experience the speeding up of intelligence, or enter another state of being, one that is free of problematic thinking/living. In other words not everyone experiences a more enlightened way of being and living. But still, all are equal in that all can, if they are ready and willing, begin to meditate and experience the speeding up of their intelligence.

Obviously only those who put in the work (which is learning to meditate and putting it into practice on a daily basis) will get the required results, I trust you understand me? It won't happen on its own will it, we do agree on that, yes? So at some stage you have to begin to meditate. Of course you may already be involved in some form of meditation, and there are many forms available to you, but sooner or later you will need to discover the correct form of meditation for the awakening and speeding up of intelligence.

The best book that I have ever read on the subject, and I've read very many over the years, is 'Meditation A Foundation Course' by Barry Long. I highly recommend it to you and it is available in my amazon bookstore . . just click on the links to it on this page. It can be difficult to get hold of in some bookstores although not impossible to order. Please note, this is a book which will guide you into a correct form of meditation for those seeking a more enlightened life. You should also consider his tape 'Start Meditating Now', which will verbally guide you into the depths of your being. The book and tape work very well together, and I recommend them to all, they are an eye opener for the experienced practitioner of meditation and a great introduction for the beginner.

Q. What is Meditation?

Meditation is a process. It has a beginning and eventually, over a period of what is normally years, it reaches an end. It takes you from where you are now into the awakening of intelligence, then into deeper and deeper levels of your
being, before reaching a totally integrated state of being where formal meditation is no longer required. It is no longer required because you are now whole and complete. In other words the job is done and you are now in a state of pure and clear perception. Your mind is now in a place of alert stillness and present moment awareness, and you're no longer disturbed by discursive thinking and emotive reactions. At this stage you are the realization of Truth itself. You begin to see the truth of everything with great clarity of perception . . although you may choose not to voice it to another! There are those who would simply trample all over your pearls . . .

. . . but you reach a point where that is of no consequence, it is not even a consideration, it is a difficult task to knock down a house that has been  built on foundations of Truth.

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Friday, 5 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Six. Looking at Opinion and Belief.

Today I want to take a closer look at opinion and belief and relate it to our prime subject here, enlightenment.

Q. What is an Opinion?

In the dictionary we have an interesting overview, one we can all relate to.

1. A personal view, the view that somebody takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment.
2. Estimation, a view regarding the worth of somebody or something.

Q. What is a Belief?

A belief is an opinion that you have become so attached to that you accept it to be true or real. A firm and considered opinion is the foundation of all your beliefs.

We can see that a belief is simply a firm view or judgment based on an opinion. You have to have an opinion on a subject before you can solidify it in the mind as a belief, can you see this for yourself?

If you are intelligent enough to take a very close look at all your beliefs you will discover that they are simply hardened and compacted opinions. And opinion, what is that again? Opinion is simply hardened and compacted thought. You can’t have an opinion on a subject without first and foremost having thought about it.

Q. What is thought then?

It is the activity or process of thinking. Each of us is aware of the fact that we think but not everyone knows what thought actually is.

Thought is all your past experiences that have gathered together within the psyche [as your thinking mind] and those thoughts are repeating themselves on an ongoing loop. They are active as a background noise, a loop of thoughts that never becomes quite for long. It is what can be described as discursive thinking, which is simply thought with a will of its own. It is sometimes called 'Internal Chatter.'

That chattering loop of thoughts is always on the move within your sub-conscious mind. That is why the thinking mind knows no peace, because it is not still. It is always on the move, thinking aimlessly, problematically and with a will of its own. It is this endless loop of thoughts that creates fear, doubt and worry within your mind from time to time, and that is why you are never truly at peace for long. And it is this endless stream of thought, the endless repetition of, and movement of thinking within your mind that brings disharmony into your life. And if you stay with me I’ll gradually prove this to you, but patience is needed and you’ll need to dedicate yourself to this process of investigation into your greater reality or the truth of self-knowledge.

Q. What is The Truth concerning Opinion and Belief?

People believe that what they believe in and have an opinion about is the truth, but that is not so. The fact is that:
  • A belief is a belief
  • An opinion is an opinion
  • Truth is neither.

A belief is a belief, an opinion is an opinion and Truth is neither.

If you think that you can believe in the truth then you can be sure that it is not The Truth about which you have a belief.

Do you have an opinion about what I’ve just said? Is it your opinion that what I’ve just said is correct or incorrect? Isn’t everything I write here just my opinion, or is there a difference between having an opinion about truth and the realization of The Truth?

Q. What is The Truth regarding Truth?

The Truth is that Truth cannot be believed in. Truth is something that the thinking mind knows nothing about, although it may have many hardened opinions and  beliefs on the subject.

Truth cannot be believed in but it can be realized. What does that mean? It means that all your opinions and beliefs hold no value whatsoever where this subject is concerned. It also means that in order for you to discover The Truth of Your Life, and discover the underlying Truth of all life on earth, you will need to suspend your belief system and enter a totally fresh and new state of being where anything is possible but, simultaneously, everything has to be investigated with the eye of a skeptic. Meaning? You have to investigate everything, leaving no stone unturned, but you must accept nothing as The Truth.

You must accept nothing you read as being a source of truth and paradoxically you must not reject it out of hand either. There must be a complete openness of mind to possibilities. Where The Truth is concerned a closed mind will not work because a closed mind is already controlled by its conditioned beliefs and opinions. The closed mind has been closed by its own conditioning, therefore all other possibilities will have been tainted by this very conditioning. The closed mind is like a door which has been bolted shut for all time, never to be opened again and through which the individual will never pass. You have to be willing to open the doors of your mind if you want to discover what lies beyond the world of belief and opinion.

Where self-knowledge is concerned you will need to begin with an open mind. An open mind is a mind that is not only ready to hear other possibilities, but it is also willing to observe its own conditioned thinking, beliefs and opinions.

Also, you will need to look at what the atheists, agnostics, scientists and religionists have to say without recourse to judgmental position taking. In other words you must not judge anything as being right or wrong. In self-knowledge 'nothing is good or bad, except when thinking makes it so.' This begs the question, If the thinking principle is still, and therefore does not make anything right/wrong or good/bad, then what remains? And that is the very question you’ll need to find the answer to . . . but how? The answers to all your questions are all within you, but you have to be able to access them. Correct meditation, as self-observation, will guide you to the solution, which is the end of all your questions.

Throughout this process you will need to become the observer of  your self, meaning you will need to become more and more conscious or self-aware.
  • Aware of your thought processes, emotional feeling and actions or behaviors.
  • Aware of all your attitudes of mind, beliefs and opinions.
  • Aware of everything you have become psychologically and emotionally attached to.

This is a mighty undertaking, one that most individuals are not capable of participating in fully because it is so demanding of ones attention . . . but this is also what every enlightened individual has had to dedicate themselves to.

What is the enlightened state again? It is the realization of, and then the living of, a life that is totally free from psychological and emotional unhappiness and problematic living. No more problems exist in the enlightened individuals life. Events happen, as they always do, but the enlightened individual does not turn events and circumstance into any form of psychological and/or emotional problem or unhappiness because they know that the solution already exists within them. They simply go still and live their life from that place of stillness and creativity within where all solutions are born. In the next moment the solution unfolds and all is well in the enlightened individuals life . . . as it was always meant to be. And so the life is sweet and flows smoothly with effortless ease . . .

Now, if that isn't enlightenment enough for you then I guess you won't be putting in the required time and effort, in the form of self-observation, to experience the Enlightened State of Being. Or will you . . . are you up to the challenge, is the prize big enough for you, or are you still happy to live in the normal, unhappy condition, the way of living and being that 99.9% of the earths population does? I'll leave that thought with you till next time . .

. . . when I'll be taking the subject on a little further. Any thoughts, questions or comments you may have will be most welcome, all feedback is useful, thanks, Doug.

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Thursday, 4 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Five, Taking a closer look at consciousness.

Q. What is consciousness?

I am consciousness. I, the reader of these words, am the consciousness that is fully conscious in this moment here and now. If I were not consciousness itself then it would be impossible for me to relate to the life I am now experiencing.

I say that you, dear reader, are consciousness itself. You are the consciousness of the individual man or woman reading these words now, is that true in your experience? You are awake and aware of your environment aren’t you? Where does this power come from? Do you think it is of your thinking mind?

Q. From where does individual consciousness originate?

Consciousness is not of the thinking mind. It is the power that exists behind, or beyond the thinking mind. It is what you are when you are not thinking, or it is what you are before consciousness enters the subconscious mind.

When the thinking mind is perfectly still, meaning there is no discursive thought or observable movement in the mind, consciousness still is. In other words you can be without thought or emotion and still be, or be fully conscious.

  • If you are intelligent enough to observe your thinking mind in action, you’ll begin to separate from whatever you observe within it.
  • Why will this happen? It will happen because you are this intelligent state of consciousness.
  • You are the consciousness that is intelligently observing the thoughts and emotions within your mind/psyche.
  • You are not that which you are observing, you are the observer. What you are observing, thought, is moving in the mind but you are not.
  • You are perfectly still, what you are observing is movement within your psyche.
There is only one problem. The problem is that what you really are and what you think you are have become entangled within your psyche. A layer of mind has been formed where consciousness and conditioning meet. Where they meet is an area of mind known as the sub-conscious.

How will you know if what I’ve just said is true? Only by becoming the observer of yourself [your thoughts, feelings and actions] will you know if what I am saying is true. What will you be left with if you don’t participate? Just a worn out belief or opinion, that’s all. You can choose to believe that what I’ve just written is true or you can believe that it is false. Alternatively you can suspend all opinion and find out for yourself! And the only way that you can know for sure is to expand your awareness of what is really going on within your own mind and psyche.

Perhaps thinking and emotionalizing are unconscious acts of a conditioned mind, how will you know for sure if they are or aren’t, if you don’t fully investigate?

‘To learn about consciousness, obviously, you must come to it afresh. You may have read books, you may have ideas, opinions; what you have read, your opinions, your knowledge according to somebody—all that is not what is, is not the fact. To understand a fact, opinions are not necessary; on the contrary, they are a hindrance. And to inquire into this consciousness, one must be free, not bound to any particular theory or knowledge.’

J Krishnamurti.

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To Realize.

"Realize—do you know what we mean by realizing? When you realize that a particular road does not lead to your home, you turn your back on that road and take another road. You do not insist on pursuing that road. If you insist on going on that road which does not lead to your home, mentally there is some imbalance; you are not sane, you are deaf, you are blind, insisting that road will lead to your home."

J Krishnamurti.

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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Four.

Q. What does the individual who wants to experience enlightenment have to do?

Anyone who would be enlightened has to go through the self-realization process.

Q. What is the self-realization process, can it be described?

To realize something is to have the direct experience of it. For example you don’t believe that you can think, you know that you can think because you have the direct experience of thinking. If it is raining outside then you don’t believe it is raining do you, you know through direct experience whether it is raining or not, yes?

What is it to realize self then? It is to have the direct experience of what ‘self’ is, not partially, certainly not as a belief or an opinion, but in its entirety, with no stone left unturned. But how?

At this point, it is important to understand that within you now there is a real ‘I’ and a false I.

The false I is simply everything you think you are, but are not. Whatever you now think you are is not what you are, it is not your state of truth-reality-integrity. Only when you no longer think will you have the direct perception of what you are. That is incredibly difficult for the thinking mind to accept. Why? Because the thinking mind wants to remain in the dominant position that it presently holds over you. It does not want you to regain your power.

The real ‘I’ is what has to be real-i-zed. Do you see the words real and I within the word realize, yes? You have to discover and have the direct experience of the real ‘I’ within you, but in order to do that you must be willing to become aware of the false I, which is everything you presently think of as yourself.

I am speaking of self-knowledge now. To know thyself in totality is a mighty task to undertake, it is not for those who just want to dabble in it. It requires dedication and a desire to discover the truth of yourself above and beyond all else in your life. Anything less will get you nowhere, except more belief and opinion, which the enlightened mind has moved beyond.

What would you give up in your life in order that you might experience the enlightened state? Would you be willing to give up everything you personally love and are attached to in order that you might be free? Can you start now by surrendering, which means giving up, your attitudes, beliefs and opinions? What else is there to surrender? Surrender is simply the giving up of all that is false within you so that you can experience the enlightened state of being.

The enlightened mind does not believe in anything. It does not have an opinion. It knows. It knows through its very state of being everything it needs to know on a moment to moment basis. But that is all it knows. What it doesn’t need to know right now with regard to any aspect of its life [and especially with regard to the man made world], the enlightened mind is content not to know. The enlightened mind rests assured that when it needs to know something, that knowledge is provided in the moment of need. If something is needed for its existential survival, that need is fulfilled. Nothing is lacking, even though to the unenlightened mind, which is looking at the enlightened mind from its position of conditioned ignorance, that might not appear to be so!

Q. What is the relationship between enlightenment, self-realization and self- knowledge?

Enlightenment is a state of being. You could say it is the end state, one might think that it is the goal or aim of the spiritual journey, for want of a better description. Paradoxically there is no goal, except to simply be in the enlightened state, which already exists within you. In other words enlightenment is within you now, but it is hidden beneath a layer of ignorance. That layer of ignorance is everything you think you are, but are not. It is your conditioned past, the thinking personality you call yourself.

So, the aim is to realize the enlightened state. The enlightened state is the real ‘I’, or what ‘I’ the reader, really am.

The self-realization process is the perceived journey from the unenlightened condition to the enlightened state. It is a process of discovering who and what you are not and dropping that ignorance or past conditioning from your mind and psyche. Simultaneously you are realizing who and what you really are, all of which is self-knowledge, the art of knowing thyself. Through this whole process there is nothing to believe in. In fact all belief and opinion is gradually dissolved and removed from the individual man or woman’s mind/psyche. Eventually all that remains is the enlightened state of being, which is A Greater State of Truth, Reality and Integrity than you can possibly think you are.

My next post will be looking at the world of opinion and belief.

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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Enlightenment Q & A: Day Three.

Q. If I say, and I do, that the only way anyone can know what enlightenment is, is to still the thinking mind, would that create a barrier for you, the reader?

Here we go again. Is enlightenment a theory? No, it is the most practical of all states and it requires one to enter it! There is no other way for anyone to enter the enlightened state of being, as that great man Barry Long used to say “Stillness is the Way”, there is no other.

If you don’t take practical action, by bringing stillness to the thinking mind, then for you enlightenment will remain a subject of conjecture. Something to have a chat about with friends, or argue about, and have beliefs and opinions about . . as the thinking mind tends to do. That is the world of  thought and theory, it is not a place of truth.

Q. Is there a greater Truth-Reality-Integrity than the thinking mind is aware of?

It is my experience that when the thinking mind becomes still it enters a state of being beyond its normal level of experience and that is the beginning of what I call the enlightened state. I say the beginning because there are many levels of being within the consciousness of wo/man, and the stilling of thought is only the first step in an ongoing process of self-realization.

In entering this still state of being  one becomes aware of  the difference between who you thought you were, the personality, and who or what you really are, the individual consciousness and intelligence behind it all.

What you are, your intelligent state of being/consciousness, is a greater truth, reality and integrity than the person you think you are.

The only way that you can discover what you are is by separating from what you think you are.

If that sounds confusing to you then why not read it again and again until you get the idea. Let me put it this way:

What you ‘think’ you are is not the same as what you ‘really’ are.

What you ‘really’ are is far superior to what you ’think’ you are.

When you separate what you ‘really’ are from what you presently ‘think’ you are, you realize that what you are is this greater truth, reality and integrity.

This greater truth, reality and integrated state, is your very being. 

The only way to discover who or what you really are is to go through a process of self-discovery, which requires you to become an observer of your self . You do this on a moment to moment and daily basis. I’m speaking of  an expanding state of self-awareness now, an expansion of consciousness and an awakening of intelligence.

It is your intelligent state of consciousness which awakens and observes all that is unintelligent within your mind/psyche. It then separates from the condition completely to stand alone as your greater state of truth-reality-integrity.

Q. Who or what are you?

You are consciousness, which is an intelligent state of being beyond the experience of the thinking mind. Contained within consciousness is your natural state of Joy, Love and direct knowledge of the Truth of life on earth.

This, the so called enlightened know to be the truth, but the unenlightened know nothing about. Those who are not in the enlightened state are lost in the normal condition that mankind presently finds itself in. The enlightened are actually in the natural state. The normal condition is a barrier, which stands in the way of you experiencing the natural state.

The majority of people on earth are lost in their normal conditioning, which is fluctuating between opposite polarities of the mind and personality, so they are never happy for long. Only those who enlighten their minds, by freeing it of the ignorance of its conditioning, live in the natural state of being . . One which is free of all unhappiness.

‘Only the individual who enlightens his or her mind, by liberating it from the ignorance of its conditioning, lives in the natural state of being and is therefore free of problematic living and unhappiness.’

In my next post we will be taking a closer look at the self-realization process.

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Monday, 1 September 2008

Enlightenment Q&A Day Two

Yesterday we looked at enlightenment and discovered that the enlightened mind is in a pure and clear state of perception . . . and we also found that stillness and/or peace of mind was the starting point. The enemy of stillness can be perceived to be 'thought' because thinking is movement in the mind, and this movement in the mind is governed by what the thinking mind knows, but what does the thinking mind really know?

Q. What does a mind that has not been stilled know?

It knows its own conditioned thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and opinions.
What else could it know? It can only know what it thinks it is or thinks it knows. To know what it actually is would require it to be in a fully awake, intelligent state of perception, which means it would need to let go of the past.

Q. What is the 'past' within the mind that has not been stilled?

The past within the mind that has not been stilled is its conditioning, which equates to all its thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and existential attachments. Meaning everything that has been tagged onto an individuals mind since it entered existence at birth.

The conditioned mind is a thinking mind, and as such it is a mind that creates its own unhappiness, but only the mind that has been completely stilled is aware of this fact. The thinking mind very often would argue against what I’ve just written, well why wouldn’t it, it doesn’t want to be found out to be the phony that it is, does it?

Q. Why do I say that the thinking mind is a phony?

The thinking mind, which is tied to the personality as one entity, is living under the 'pretence' that it is you. In fact you probably think that you are all those thoughts and emotions that you experience everyday of your life, don’t you? It would be crazy for anyone to suggest otherwise, wouldn’t it? But did you know that the past in you is all those thoughts and emotions that you experience everyday of your life. They repeat themselves in your mind as a constant stream of discursive thinking. In other words thought and emotion is the past repeating itself within your mind. It is a repetition of past experience, it is never fresh and new like the still mind is.

The enlightened mind, having separated from thought and emotion, is free of the past [which is the last moment] as a burden. It always lets go of the last moment, always. This moment, the now, is always fresh and new for the enlightened mind because it does not carry the events of the last moment into it. The meditative process has already removed the past conditioning from the mind/psyche of the enlightened individuals mind and therefore each moment is now fresh and new. Each moment is free of problems, each moment is free of psychological and emotional unhappiness and each moment is perceived to be perfect as it is, regardless of another's point of view.

The enlightened mind does not react into the world through thought and emotion, therefore it does not inflict unhappiness on the people around it.

The enlightened individual responds from a place of truth-reality-integrity beyond the thinking mind, which is a joyful and loving state of being. This state of truth, reality and integrity is the creator of harmony in the world. The 'unhappy' individual 'reacts' from thought and emotion, therefore they inflict unhappiness onto others. There is no place for that level of ignorance in the enlightened man or womans mind or life.

In my next post we will be looking at the relationship between consciousness and the enlightened state of being.

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Sunday, 31 August 2008

Enlightenment Q & A . . . Day One.

Questions and Answers.

Q. What is enlightenment?

“Enlightenment is a state of perception beyond the thinking mind, and it is free of all psychological and emotional unhappiness. It is a completely non-problematic state of being beyond the thinking mind.”

Many people think that enlightenment is a very distant and mysterious or even mystical subject, but in my experience it is a very practical state of being. It is a mystical state in the sense that it is beyond the normal level of everyday experience, but it is not unattainable. Why do I say that it is not unattainable? Because many people have had, and are having, the direct experience of this state in their everyday lives right now. Also, I speak from experience on the subject of enlightenment, even if I have my limitations, like not being able to walk on water or heal the sick . . and not being seemingly perfect to the normal conditioned mind, which is itself imperfect! I am however free of unhappiness, which means that I don't hold onto the last moment and turn it into an excuse for me to be unhappy now. I do live in a state of pure and clear perception in which there are no more psychological and emotional problems being created in my life. I let go of yesterday and the last moment and live in this moment, the here and now, free of conditioning or problematic living. And I can tell you first hand, its a good place to be.

I am going to give you feedback from where I am, this place within each of us that is still and peaceful and yet simultaneously full of joy.

Enlightenment is a joyful and clear state of pure perception containing within it direct knowledge about life’s purpose and meaning, and as such it is a state of being which is free of fear, doubt and worry.

But is knowing the answer the same as being the answer? An interesting twist on the subject has arisen with this question.

Q. Is knowing what enlightenment is the same as being in the enlightened state?

Enlightenment is not a theory, it is a state of being, therefore one has to have the direct experience of the state before one can know it. Does that make sense? To me it makes complete sense because I have spent many years breaking down the psychological and emotional conditioning within the thinking mind. To another it may simply sound confusing, especially if they have never experienced a state of being beyond thought.

I had better expand on that.

Q. What is a state of being beyond thought?

It is a state that is centered in stillness. When the thinking mind it perfectly still, then, and only then, is a new state of 'being' realized.

You have to understand that the thinking mind is never still for long. It is always on the move. Thought is movement in the mind. When the mind is still there is no thought.

One has to have the realization, which is a direct experience, of a still mind before one can know what the still mind knows. Up to that point all that anyone has is an opinion born of a mind that has not been stilled!

Tomorrow and on a daily basis we will continue this Q&A process and discover where it takes us . . .

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Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Health Issues. Where do they fit in with Self-knowledge?

Tim asked a very interesting question on this blog recently with regard to health issues and self-knowledge:

"I have a question..... drum roll... how are common colds, coughs & minor yet annoyingly persistent illnesses associated with the negativity cultivated by the conditioned mind? Would it be idle speculation to draw a connection to a recent bout of 'observing' and the contraction of an upper respiratory infection (which is on its way out, at this time of ... *cough* *cough* ... where's the garlic pills?

Here is my reply:

Hi Tim, nice to have you join us and thanks for your recent comments. Right, you want an answer to a question that so many people have asked throughout time, help! My answer is simply a pointer to the solution, OK? “What YOU acknowledge is what you get in life.”
You want more right? Hmm, well I could expand but really you need to look within yourself, as you’re already doing . . I think you already have the answer within you, don’t you? It was said long ago that we become what we think about. Is that true in your experience Tim? A great man once said “As a man thinketh so is he” or some such . . So, are you responsible for all the good things in your life or not? When everything is going well don’t you want to take the credit . . And when things are not flowing so well and we have a cold because maybe (just maybe, perhaps) we have been lacking in integrity and/or honesty . . Is that a possibility? I’m not asking anyone to believe me here you know Tim, I wouldn’t want anyone to be so foolish, right . . I’m just asking the questions.

I used to be consistently ill and it was because I was NOT being true to life. I wasn't integrated whole and complete. The fact is I have very few colds and virus infections in my life now and I don’t accept that ‘germs’ are responsible for me getting them. I’m free of a believe system! If I did get a cold now I would be taking a very close look at my life to see in which area I wasn't being true, so that I could rectify it!! You want to know more? Anyway Tim, in my experience (not my belief), what you or I acknowledge is what we as individuals will manifest as our life experience. I could be wrong but I can explain the why and the how behind this great movement of life. Are you interested in asking the next question?

Now people, the next question is fairly obvious don't you think? If 'What I acknowledge is what I get in my life', then what makes this possible? The Why and How have to be explored . . . Yes?

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Nothing is lacking . . .

Tim left this very interesting comment on my blog and I just wanted to take the time to reply, thank you Tim for participating.

"Thank you for this post, I've been hitting it every so often but never read right through (too busy working). Keep it up! :-)

I've been observing myself recently, and most of the time I observe my personality, nothing else. But the energy to consistently say, "thank you" (inside; for life), which I have maintained recently, indicates the presence of a higher level of being, because the sensation feels so disparate from what the personality would normally dwell on."

Hello again Tim, thanks for the comments, it's nice to know you enjoyed this particular post. I can see that you are serious about self-knowledge, it comes across in your comments and questions, so thank you for participating like this.

Self-observation tends to come in waves doesn't it? Sometimes we are really into it but then we find it hard work and we let it slide . . Hey, that’s OK, no problem, we all have to go through the process at our own speed . . And we all have to go to work and earn a living! I started out very young with meditation/self-observation, some start later and there is no good or bad about it, nothing to label as right or wrong.

I loved your comment about what the personality would normally dwell on. What would it normally dwell on? In my experience the personality dwells on fears, doubts and worries . . . Do you recognize that as the truth in your experience? Sure it enjoys all the good stuff but sooner or later it begins to dwell on the negative issues. . .

. . . and it does like to chatter on endlessly doesn't it?

Yes I agree, the state of being is quite different from the condition of the personality, being is ‘still’ and personality is constantly on the move as thought and emotion. And you used the word ‘sensation’ which is interesting. Are you a Barry Long fan? I ask because he used the word to describe the state of being, whereas I have noticed that most other teachers use the word ‘vibration’ when attempting to describe higher or deeper states of being. In my experience the state of being is a pure and clear ‘sensational-vibrational’ state. The impurity is thought and emotion, which creates a distortion in the psyche and brings with it a lack of clarity.

Gratitude is an important aspect of life. I thank life for all the small stuff everyday, not just the so called 'good' stuff Tim. I've had nothing in my life and through having nothing I discovered that I already had everything. Nothing is actually lacking . . In ’reality!’ The reality of ’being.’

OK, enough for now. Once again thank you for participating Tim, all the best . . .

Thursday, 5 June 2008

His Cup Runneth Over . . .

There was an English academic, Professor Reginald Bentley-Smyth I believe his name was, who thought he knew a thing or two, a real scholar with a philosophical twist, and he had heard about a Wise old Monk known only as Zen-Tao, who lived in the mountains of Tibet and he was meant to be pretty enlightened. Anyway the professor made a decision to pay the old sage a visit while on his next holiday in Asia.

The great sage welcomed the professor into his humble bungalow, which overlooked the breathtaking scenery of the Tibetan wilderness, and he listened as the scholar aired his views and ideas on religion and philosophy for the best part of an hour. Eventually Zen-Tao asked his new found friend if he would like a nice hot cup of tea (Being English he wasn't going to say no, was he? Don't worry, it was probably herbal, but if it bothers you then I suggest that you fill in the gaps yourself and give me feedback! Perhaps you could put me out of my misery by informing me if there was any milk involved and did they indulge in a sweetener and if so . . )

So the monk started to pour out the tea while the professor rambled on but when he got to the top of the cup he continued to pour and began to create quite a spillage as it splattered all over the table! "Stop, STOP!" shouted Zen-Tao's visitor, "The cup's already full, you can't get any more in there! "The old sage stopped pouring and as he turned to the scholar he replied, "Quite right my dear professor, the cup is so full that it will hold no more, and so it is with your mind. You are so full of concepts, notions, ideas and ideals . . . so full of your own opinions and beliefs that you are unable listen to the simple truth."

(You'll have noticed at this juncture that Zen-Tao speaks remarkably good English for a Tibetan Monk living on his own in the middle of nowhere, perhaps you can explain this to me? For example, was he educated in the west but decided to sell his Ferrari and adopt a more spiritual way of life, or did he buy a copy of that wonderful book 'English For Tibetan Monks Who Are Gonna Need It One Day?' Right . . .)

The wise old man put down the tea pot and mopped up the mess on the table while his visitor sat there looking bewildered. Finally the old man sat down next his guest and added, "Before you can realise enlightenment or experience the wisdom of self-knowledge you must first empty yourself of everything you think you know. Only when you have taken the time to remove the conditioned thinking from your mind, and dissolved everything you have come to believe in, will you be ready to hear and recognize truth and wisdom. Then and only then will you be ready to realise the enlightened state." The wise old sage knew from first hand experience that enlightenment, truth and wisdom are available to those who are prepared to move beyond the surface of themselves, beyond the thinking mind, which "thinks" it knows so much and yet is limited by its experiences in the man made world. The sage understood that the thinking mind is simply the past in you, it is everything you have gathered as your individual past experience and accepted as being real and true. He knew that only when the thinking mind is perfectly still, and peaceful, does true wisdom begin to unfold.

The trouble is that "You're so full of it . . . aren't you?" Belief and opinion I mean, or haven't you taken the time to look into your thinking mind for a long enough period of your life to discover what's really going on in there, or ask the most vital question of all: "Where does all my thinking come from?"

I forgot to mention from where our wise old sage got his name. He is Zen-Tao. But Zen-Tao is not a name, it is a state of being. It is an integrated, whole and complete state known as the enlightened state. The things he says might have been uttered by Lao Tzu or Tai Gong or Chuang Tzu, oh, but they were all Chinese Taoists weren't they? Sometimes he sounds similar to Suzuki, a modern Zen Master. On other occasions you'll swear that he sounds just like a teacher of Vedanta. Often he can seem harsh, but always his words are wise and enlightening to those of you who have ears with which to hear . . . ears that are not inflicted by old and worn out beliefs and opinions. Anyway, it all adds up to a mixed bag of eastern tradition that leads us up the garden path . . . so why call our old sage "Zen-Tao?" Because as Zen-Tao says;

"Tao expresses itself as the multiplicity of beings"

so he could be anyone, anywhere, really, couldn't he?
Zen again maybe not!

Back to Reggie, sorry, Professor Reginald Bentley-Smyth, from England. There he was sitting with Zen-Tao when he had this sudden realisation that everything he had ever considered to be important was being brought into question by this old Tibetan Monk. After all he was a thinking man, his whole education had been based on learning and acquiring knowledge along with the ability to reason and come to conclusions. Having opinions and developing a belief system through which to express them had been his way of life since he could remember. And here was this old sage telling him to let it all go, how was he meant to do that, how was he meant to remove all his past conditioning as the old man had requested he should do?

Zen-Tao looked at the exasperated and perplexed expression on the professors face and with a smile he asked "How do you feel about what I've just said?"

RBS: Well, it's hard to put into words actually, I'm a thinking man, a scholar with an academic background and here you are telling me that, well . . . I don't really know anything at all.

ZT: What you know is of the world and stored in your thinking mind, it is not of yourself, and enlightenment and wisdom are not found in the world or the thinking mind . . . they are even beyond "self".

RBS: Beyond "self", but how can that be, there is only self, what do you mean? In my experience my mind is an aspect of myself.

ZT: First you must stop trying to work everything out. The problem is in thinking. You think you have to think in order to receive wisdom but this is not the truth. First comes stillness and everything else follows.

RBS: But all I know is thought and reason, how am I supposed to move beyond them and into stillness? And what do you mean by stillness, I've always believed that a still mind is an empty mind and that an empty mind is, well, vegetating! It's going to waste, isn't that true?

ZT: If you are sincere in your search for wisdom then it is necessary, above all, to stop all discursive thinking. The still mind is not vegetating because in the stillness is hidden a great secret, one that the thinking mind is unable to discover, it's a secret so great that even if I share it with you, you will not understand it. The only way you will be able to understand it is if you bring your mind to a point of perfect stillness. The still mind is a silent mind filled with inner peace, undisturbed by thought, and yet simultaneously wide awake and fully alert.

RBS: I don't understand. How will I know how to identify this great secret? What is it that is hidden within the stillness of my mind?

ZT: What you are, your essence, is hidden there in the stillness of your mind. The truth of your very being . . . or your reality, the secret of what the Taoists called the Tao, is hidden there. It is the truth discovered by all the founders of all the great religions. In the stillness of your being . . . that is where wisdom is discovered . . . The enlightened do not think, my dear professor, they perceive.

RBS: They perceive? What, perception without thought? I see, that would be a state of pure perception or awareness would it not, like a blank canvass . . . but what about memory? They must use their memory, you must use your memory Zen-Tao, how would you know how to use language or how to make a cup of tea or remember your way down to the local village without your memory?

ZT: Memory is not the problem, memory is always available even for the still mind. Memory is simply past experience and learning that has been stored in the mind and when you need to remember something it will arise out of the stillness within you. Also, when you need to remember an important fact and your mind is silent, up pops the memory. The problem is that your mind is not perfectly still, it is full of belief and opinion, and so you struggle to remember where you left your glasses when they are in fact on the end of your nose! The reality is that there is much aimless and problematic thinking taking place within your mind . . . if it is not still. And did you know that aimless and problematic thinking drains your energy? Every mind that is not "stilled" is poisoned by the disease of aimless thinking and this in turn depletes the bodies energies. The thinker in you is also very confused because it is, once again, trying to work everything out. It does this because it wants to avoid the point.

RBS: The point . . . what is the point?

ZT: The point is you have to bring the mind to a point of perfect stillness. Then and only then will the answer to all your questions become perfectly clear. Stilling your mind is the solution, that is the point, and the thinking mind wants to avoid that at all costs because it is afraid of the consequences.

RBS: What are the consequences?

ZT: Stillness will bring about the 'death' of the thinker in you . . .

. . . but you must be aware that the thinker does not want to die! It will do anything and everything possible to stay alive, like a wild animal trapped in a corner it will fight till the bitter end.

RBS: You speak as if the thinker, or that which is thinking within me, is not meant to be there. Can you clarify this for me?

ZT: Anything that you can observe in your mind such as worry, self-doubt, fear and anger are not a natural part of you. They may well be normal conditions that each of us are familiar with but that does not make them natural. What each of us has to do is become aware of all our normal conditioning and in the process of expanding that awareness we can dissolve and dissipate all that is not real and true within us so that only our natural state remains. This is a mighty undertaking and it is not for the faint of heart for it requires true dedication. Also, you cannot do it through an act of personal will . . . you are either ready for this great undertaking or you are not.


The small bungalow in which Zen-Tao and the Professor sat was silent once more. Zen-Tao sat in the stillness of his being and the Professor sat in quite contemplation of the "reality" that he had just been introduced to and yet he was totally relaxed. Reginald Bentley-Smyth was being introduced to the meditative state first hand. There was no noise here in the foothills of Tibet and the internal noise of the "thinker" in his mind had been brought right down to a whimper. His mind fell silent for several minutes before Zen Tao spoke again . . ."Preoccupied with the quest to learn what they do not naturally know, men lose the intuitive knowledge they already naturally possess," Zen-Tao was looking right into the Professors eyes. His reality seemingly piercing like a knife into the ignorance of his guests thinking mind. "In truth it must be said that someone who seeks learning knows more and more, but someone seeking The Ways of Wisdom or a Greater Integrity knows less and less . . . until things just are what they are."

"Sorry Zen-Tao but I'm still stuck on what you said earlier, when you talked about the consequences of stilling the mind, and about me missing the point," answered the professor.

ZT: Yes, I see that you are, perhaps we need to address that first?

RBS: I think so! How do we do that?

ZT: Meditation.

RBS: Meditation! You want me to learn how to meditate? Surely that's a load of old mumbo-jumbo, are you serious?

ZT: I see that our esteemed professor thinks that he is too good for meditation . . . or that he has nothing to learn from our eastern traditions?

RBS: Now don't get me wrong, I just thought I would pay you a visit for a couple of days and share some ideas with you, I didn't expect to be enrolled in some sort of Tibetan meditation cult or some such! No offense meant but . . .

ZT: None taken . . .

Zen-Tao sat silently while the professor awaited his response . . . there was none. Reginald Bentley-Smyth waited for what felt like an eternity but still the little old sage sat there in silence with a contented look on his face.

RBS: I seem to have put my foot in it!

Still nothing . . . there was no response.

RBS: Why don't you say something if you are not offended by my comments?

ZT: Professor, I am regarded by my people as a sage who proffers wisdom and that is why you are paying me a visit, is it not?

RBS: Yes, but of course it is and . . .

ZT: . . . and sometimes Wisdom is knowing when to stop talking because language is inadequate.

RBS: I see . . . I think!

ZT: Here you are sitting in the stillness of your being with me. Your mind is very quite and you are relaxed is that not so?

RBS: Er, yes . . . that's true . . . I hadn't realised . . . how . . .

ZT:What do you think meditation is?

RBS: As I understand it, meditation is a way of focusing the mind and relaxing, hm . . . I understand that it is also used in natural healing and it's especially good for people who are stressed I hear!

ZT: That is true but it is not the whole truth. Meditation is a state of attention or perception beyond the thinking mind. It's a state of pure consciousness, which leads to an expansion of your awareness. It does bring with it the benefits you just described but they are simply side effects of the process. True meditation is a state of mind that is perfectly still . . . no thought. Remember what I said about the consequences of stilling the thoughts in the mind?

RBS: Yes, the death of the "thinker", is that right?

ZT: That is correct and meditation is your weapon with which to kill your enemy . . . thought!

RBS: Thought is my enemy?

ZT: And the battleground is your mind, yes.

RBS: Who am I then? I mean if thought or the thinker is my enemy and my mind is the battleground . . . well, who the hell am I?

ZT: That is the very question that self-knowledge and the subject of wisdom addresses my dear professor!

RBS: Yes, I see, of course it is . . .

ZT: Professor, you will need to test this for yourself if you are to discover if there is any truth in what I say, and it may seem fairly obvious to you when you hear this. You are the one observing or watching all those thoughts in the mind. You are the one who perceives, you are the intelligence behind it all, and your enemy is anything that moves within your mind. You must have your "attention" standing on guard the whole time saying "Halt, who goes there?" Not by meditating for ten or twenty minutes twice a day but by being fully "PRESENT" every moment . . . like NOW!


Reginald Bentley-Smyth, esteemed English Professor of Philosophical Thought, sat in the little hut that was the home of this wise old man known only as Zen-Tao. Here he was in the foothills of Tibet listening to the sound of silence, even his own mind had fallen into a state of inner peace and quite contemplation in the presence of this little mans wisdom and self-knowledge."You know Zen-Tao," began the professor, "as you spoke about being the observer of thought and watching the mind, I caught my own mind thinking and I actually felt as if I had stepped back from my mind for a moment. As if there were two of me, my thoughts were there in my mind but I was also seeing them active within me for a moment, how is that possible . . . but I keep losing that awareness, how does this happen?"

ZT: Are you thinking now?

RBS: Yes and no. I seem to be still for awhile and then I suddenly become aware of my mind thinking . .

ZT: When you catch the mind thinking are the thoughts factual, practical and of value or are they of a more or less trivial nature?

RBS: They seem to be my opinions, what I think is right or wrong about everything you've said to me today. Some of them are just plain rambling along with no particular value at all really. The mind seems to be chattering on and on . . . as if it has a will of its own. Then there is silence for a short period and then I catch it thinking again. Why have I never noticed this before?

ZT: You haven't noticed because you have not spent a significant amount of time watching how your mind operates and no one has been there to point out that there is something of importance for you to become aware of. What you are doing is observing the mind in action, which is thinking, and then separating your intelligence from what you are observing; thought. You are experiencing your "Intelligence" observing the "thinker" in action within your mind. It is a beginning.

RBS: A beginning?

ZT: Yes, it is the beginning of an awakening.

RBS: Please tell me Zen-Tao, what is it that is awakening?

ZT: It is the Awakening of Intelligence . . . this point of awakening is where the Intelligence in you begins to turn inwards and become aware of all the aimless, wilful and problematic thoughts that are going on within your mind. These are thoughts that appear to be yours but are actually observable as being separate and apart from you; you being the Intelligence that is watching those very thoughts.The first time you clearly see or perceive the "thinker" in action within your mind is when you have your first realization that it, thought, is not you, and that thought is observable as something that is separate and apart from you. Your Intelligence and your thoughts are separated, there is now some space between the two and this space between the thoughts you are observing, and you as the observer, is stillness itself.The problem is that at the beginning of this process you will find it difficult to remain aware of the thinker in you. Your intelligent state of Attention will become lost in the thoughts of the mind and then you will have lost your state of Presence. You have to keep bringing your attention back into the present moment, into this moment here and now, which is where thought is not. Thought is never in the present moment, if it were it would go still, and that would be the end of thought. Then you would be in a state of pure and clear perception, which is intelligence itself. The problem is that the thinker is always in the past or future, never in the present moment, the here and now, look closely enough and you will see this for yourself. But remember please, never believe a word I say . . . always verify it for yourself by observing the action of thought in your own mind.

RBS: Yes I'm doing that Zen-Tao and I see it all so much more clearly now. But let me see if I've grasped this correctly. What you are saying is that my intelligence is not the same as my thoughts, and I'm seeing this for the first time and this is an awakening of my Intelligence?

ZT: Yes, that is correct. Every time you, as your intelligence, catch the mind thinking you create some space within your mind. That space in the mind is known as Stillness or Inner Peace. Intelligence is discovered or realised within this space and stillness of the mind . . . it is divine intelligence, which simply means intelligence beyond the normal level of experience. It is a deeper spiritual level of intelligence. This intelligence is your very nature and true character . . . it is the perception of being and it contains within it no thought.

RBS: Are you saying that what I have always regarded as intelligence isn't really intelligence at all?

ZT: What do you think, is it?

RBS: I don't know. I'm very unsure at the moment. I have spent a lifetime learning, using the ability to reason and store facts in my memory. In my experience intelligence is of the intellect, which is a faculty of knowing and reasoning. It also equates to the quickness of my understanding but I get the feeling that what your talking about is a level of intelligence beyond that, am I correct?

ZT: That is so. What you have done with your life is very clever, but don't mistake it for being intelligent, for intelligence is beyond thought. It is beyond the ability to memorize facts and reason things out. Intelligence isn't something you use, do or have . . . intelligence is what you are my dear professor!

RBS: Intelligence is what I am?

ZT: Yes you are the quickness of your understanding, what you say is quite correct, you are that intelligence but you must see that it does not move. Intelligence is perfectly still, so still that it moves at the speed of stillness.

RBS: Intelligence moves at the speed of stillness . . . well, you just told me that stillness does not move, erm . . .

ZT: Yes, intelligence is so fast that it moves at the speed of stillness. Do you know what that speed is Professor?

RBS: No, but I get the feeling I'm in for a surprise Zen-Tao!

ZT: Intelligence is so fast that it moves at the speed of present moment awareness, which is this moment NOW and it is instantaneous!

RBS: What does that mean?

ZT: It means that the moment of awareness, which is this moment NOW, is the speed that intelligence is moving at. Only the still mind can realise "The Now." The now is so fast that it is INSTANT . . . . . . . . . like NOW! You will notice, if you still the mind, that the now contains within it no past and no future. This is because the past and the future exist in only one place, do you know where that is?

RBS: Yes, I believe I do, you implied earlier that it is within the mind.

ZT: Exactly, and what do the past and future exist as within your mind?

RBS: Ah, that would be my thoughts, wouldn't it?

ZT: Yes, all your thoughts are sitting within your mind, your sub-conscious mind. They include all those hardened layers of thought which can be observed as your beliefs and opinions, all those things that you have become attached to such as concepts, notions, ideas and ideals. Along with all of your emotions, they also exist there, including fear, frustration, worry, impatience, anger, resentment, moodiness, bitterness and jealousy for example. They all exist within your sub-conscious mind and they form a blockage in the system. All your thoughts have gathered within your mind and they have created a blockage there. Do you know where your thoughts have come from?

RBS: Do you mean where my thoughts originate from?

ZT: Your thoughts are in your mind, yes? No doubt is there, you can observe them moving within your own mind, is that correct?

RBS: That is true Zen-Tao, I cannot deny that, it is an observable fact.

ZT: But where have they come from? Go still for awhile, do not think, just be. See what happens, ask the question "From where do all my thoughts originate" and go still, perhaps the answer is within you . . . . .